Source code for

High-level run function
import logging

import scmdata

from .adapters import get_adapter
from .progress import progress

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _check_out_config(out_config, climate_models_cfgs):
    if out_config is not None:
        unknown_models = set(out_config.keys()) - set(climate_models_cfgs.keys())
        if unknown_models:
                "Found model(s) in `out_config` which are not in "
                "`climate_models_cfgs`: %s",

        for key, value in out_config.items():
            if not isinstance(value, tuple):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"`out_config` values must be tuples, this isn't the case for "
                    f"climate_model: '{key}'"

[docs]def run( climate_models_cfgs, scenarios, output_variables=("Surface Temperature",), out_config=None, ): # pylint: disable=W9006 """ Run a number of climate models over a number of scenarios Parameters ---------- climate_models_cfgs : dict[str: list] Dictionary where each key is a model and each value is the configs with which to run the model. The configs are passed to the model adapter. scenarios : :obj:`pyam.IamDataFrame` Scenarios to run output_variables : list[str] Variables to include in the output out_config : dict[str: tuple of str] Dictionary where each key is a model and each value is a tuple of configuration values to include in the output's metadata. Returns ------- :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Model output Raises ------ KeyError ``out_config`` has keys which are not in ``climate_models_cfgs`` TypeError A value in ``out_config`` is not a :obj:`tuple` """ _check_out_config(out_config, climate_models_cfgs) res = [] for climate_model, cfgs in progress( climate_models_cfgs.items(), desc="Climate models" ): runner = get_adapter(climate_model) if out_config is not None and climate_model in out_config: output_config_cm = out_config[climate_model] LOGGER.debug( "Using output config: %s for %s", output_config_cm, climate_model ) else: LOGGER.debug("No output config for %s", climate_model) output_config_cm = None model_res = scenarios, cfgs, output_variables=output_variables, output_config=output_config_cm, ) res.append(model_res) for i, model_res in enumerate(res): if i < 1: key_meta = set(model_res.meta.columns.tolist()) model_meta = set(model_res.meta.columns.tolist()) climate_model = model_res.get_unique_meta("climate_model") if model_meta != key_meta: raise AssertionError( f"{climate_model} meta: {model_meta}, expected meta: {key_meta}" ) if len(res) == 1:"Only one model run, returning its results") scmdf = res[0] else:"Appending model results") scmdf = scmdata.run_append(res) return scmdf