Source code for openscm_runner.adapters.ciceroscm_py_adapter.read_results

Module that reads in CICERO-SCM results
and returns data to append to SCMRun
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..utils.cicero_utils.cicero_forcing_postprocessing_common import (

[docs]def get_data_from_conc(results, variable): """ Get data from concentration files """ df_temp = results["concentrations"] years = df_temp.Year[:] timeseries = df_temp[variable].to_numpy() # pylint:disable=unsubscriptable-object return years, timeseries
[docs]def get_data_from_em(results, variable): """ Get data from emissions files """ df_temp = results["emissions"] years = df_temp.Year[:] timeseries = df_temp[variable].to_numpy() # pylint:disable=unsubscriptable-object return years, timeseries
[docs]def get_data_from_temp_or_rib(results, variable): """ Get data for temperature or rib variables """ return results[variable]
[docs]def get_data_from_ohc(results, variable): """ Get data from ocean heat content files """ df_temp = results[variable] # Units are 10^22J and output should be 10^21J = ZJ conv_factor = 10.0 timeseries = df_temp * conv_factor # pylint:disable=unsubscriptable-object return timeseries
[docs]def convert_cicero_unit(cicero_unit): """ Convert cicero unit convention for pint """ return f"{cicero_unit.replace('_', '')} / yr"
[docs]class CSCMREADER: """ Class to read CICERO-SCM output data """ def __init__(self, nystart, nyend): self.variable_dict = openscm_to_cscm_dict self.variable_dict[ "Effective Radiative Forcing|Aerosols|Direct Effect|SOx" ] = "SO4_DIR" self.temp_list = ( "dT_glob", "dT_glob_air", "dT_glob_sea", "dSL(m)", "dSL_thermal(m)", "dSL_ice(m)", "RIB_glob", ) self.ohc_list = "OHCTOT" self.indices = np.arange(nystart, nyend + 1)
[docs] def get_variable_timeseries(self, results, variable, sfilewriter): """ Get variable timeseries Connecting up to correct data dictionary to get data """ if variable not in self.variable_dict: return ( pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "NoUnit", ) if "Concentration" in variable: years, timeseries = get_data_from_conc( results, self.variable_dict[variable] ) unit = sfilewriter.concunits[ sfilewriter.components.index(self.variable_dict[variable]) ] elif "Emissions" in variable: years, timeseries = get_data_from_em(results, self.variable_dict[variable]) unit = sfilewriter.units[ sfilewriter.components.index(self.variable_dict[variable]) ] elif "Forcing" in variable: years, timeseries = self.get_data_from_forc( results, self.variable_dict[variable] ) unit = "W/m^2" elif self.variable_dict[variable] in self.temp_list: timeseries = get_data_from_temp_or_rib( results, self.variable_dict[variable] ) years = self.indices if self.variable_dict[variable] == "RIB_glob": unit = "W/m^2" else: unit = "K" elif self.variable_dict[variable] in self.ohc_list: timeseries = get_data_from_ohc(results, self.variable_dict[variable]) years = self.indices unit = "ZJ" return years, timeseries, unit
[docs] def get_volc_forcing(self, results): """ Return volcanic forcing time series from startyear up to and including endyear """ volc_series = pd.Series( (results["Volcanic_forcing_NH"] + results["Volcanic_forcing_SH"]) / 2 ) volc_series.index = self.indices # TODO get correct time rang return volc_series
[docs] def get_sun_forcing(self, results): """ Return volcanic forcing time series from startyear up to and including endyear """ sun_series = pd.Series(results["Solar_forcing"]) sun_series.index = self.indices return sun_series
[docs] def get_data_from_forc(self, results, variable): """ Get data from forcing files """ df_temp = results["forcing"] if variable == "Total_forcing+sunvolc": volc = self.get_volc_forcing(results) sun = self.get_sun_forcing(results) return get_data_from_forc_common( df_temp, variable, self.variable_dict, volc, sun ) years, timeseries = get_data_from_forc_common( df_temp, variable, self.variable_dict ) return years, timeseries