Source code for openscm_runner.adapters.ciceroscm_adapter.make_scenario_files

Module with functionality to make emission input files

# TODO: optimise to speed up reading and writing

import logging
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..utils.cicero_utils.make_scenario_common import COMMONSFILEWRITER

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _read_ssp245_em(ssp245_em_file):
    Get default data from ssp245_RCMIP
    ssp245df = (
        pd.read_csv(ssp245_em_file, delimiter="\t", index_col=0)
        .rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip())
        .rename(index=lambda x: x.strip())
        .rename(columns={"CO2 .1": "CO2_lu"})

    return ssp245df

[docs]class SCENARIOFILEWRITER(COMMONSFILEWRITER): """ Class to write scenariofiles: """ def __init__(self, udir): """ Intialise scenario file writer """ super().__init__(udir) self.ssp245data = _read_ssp245_em(os.path.join(udir, "ssp245_em_RCMIP.txt"))
[docs] def get_top_of_file(self, ssp245_em_file): """ Get the top of the emission file which will be equal for all scenarios """ with open(ssp245_em_file, encoding="ascii") as semfile: filedata = top_of_file = filedata.split(f"\n{self.years[0]}")[0] return top_of_file
[docs] def write_scenario_data(self, scenarioframe, odir, scenario): """ Take a scenariodataframe and writing out necessary emissions files """ fname = os.path.join( odir, "inputfiles", f"{scenario}_em.txt", ) printout_frame = self.make_printoutframe( scenarioframe, self.ssp245data ).reset_index() printout_frame_fmt = ["%d"] + ["%.8f"] * (printout_frame.shape[1] - 1) with open(fname, "w", encoding="ascii") as sfile: sfile.write( self.get_top_of_file(os.path.join(self.udir, "ssp245_em_RCMIP.txt")) ) sfile.write("\n") np.savetxt(sfile, printout_frame, fmt=printout_frame_fmt, delimiter=" \t ")