Source code for openscm_runner.adapters.ciceroscm_adapter.ciceroscm_wrapper

CICEROSCM_WRAPPER for parallelisation
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess  # nosec # have to use subprocess
import tempfile
from distutils import dir_util

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scmdata import ScmRun, run_append

from ...settings import config
from ..utils.cicero_utils._utils import _get_unique_index_values
from ._utils import _get_executable
from .make_scenario_files import SCENARIOFILEWRITER
from .read_results import CSCMREADER
from .write_parameter_files import PARAMETERFILEWRITER

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_endyear(scenariodata): """ Get end year from scenariodata """ scenarioframe = scenariodata.reset_index( ("model", "region", "scenario", "unit"), drop=True ) years = scenarioframe.columns if isinstance(years[0], pd.Timestamp): endyear = int(years[-1].year) else: endyear = int(years[-1]) return endyear
[docs]class CiceroSCMWrapper: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ CICEROSCM Wrapper for parallel runs """ def __init__(self, scenariodata): """ Intialise CICEROSCM wrapper """ udir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "utils_templates") self.sfilewriter = SCENARIOFILEWRITER(udir) self.pamfilewriter = PARAMETERFILEWRITER(udir) self._setup_tempdirs() self.resultsreader = CSCMREADER(self.rundir, get_endyear(scenariodata)) self.scen = _get_unique_index_values(scenariodata, "scenario") self.model = _get_unique_index_values(scenariodata, "model") self.local_scenarioname = self.get_usable_scenario_name() self._make_dir_structure(self.local_scenarioname) self._call_sfilewriter(scenariodata)
[docs] def get_usable_scenario_name(self): """ Cut the scenario name and get rid of special characters so run can work """ pam_min = os.path.join(self.rundir, "1", "inputfiles", "pam_current.scm") executable = _get_executable(self.rundir) call_string = f"{executable} {pam_min}" max_length_1 = 255 - len(call_string) - 60 max_length_2 = int( np.floor( (127 - len(os.path.join("./", "12345", "inputfiles", "12345_conc.txt"))) / 2.0 ) ) max_length = int(np.amin([max_length_1, max_length_2])) if max_length < 0: max_length = 1 return re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", "", self.scen)[:max_length]
def _call_sfilewriter(self, scenarios): """ Call sfilwriter to write scenariodata file """ self.sfilewriter.write_scenario_data( scenarios, os.path.join(self.rundir, self.local_scenarioname), self.local_scenarioname, )
[docs] def run_over_cfgs(self, cfgs, output_variables): """ Run over each configuration parameter set write parameterfiles, run, read results and make an ScmRun with results """ runs = [] for i, pamset in enumerate(cfgs): self.pamfilewriter.write_parameterfile( pamset, os.path.join(self.rundir, self.local_scenarioname), ) executable = _get_executable(self.rundir) pamfile = os.path.join( self.rundir, self.local_scenarioname, "inputfiles", "pam_current.scm", ) call = f"{executable} {pamfile}" LOGGER.debug("Call, %s", call) subprocess.check_call( call, cwd=self.rundir, shell=True, # nosec # have to use subprocess ) for variable in output_variables: ( years, timeseries, unit, ) = self.resultsreader.read_variable_timeseries( self.local_scenarioname, variable, self.sfilewriter, ) if years.empty: # pragma: no cover continue # pragma: no cover runs.append( ScmRun( pd.Series(timeseries, index=years), columns={ "climate_model": "CICERO-SCM", "model": self.model, "run_id": pamset.get("Index", i), "scenario": self.scen, "region": ["World"], "variable": [variable], "unit": [unit], }, ) ) return run_append(runs)
def _setup_tempdirs(self): """ Set up temporary directories to run and make output in """ root_dir = config.get("CICEROSCM_WORKER_ROOT_DIR", None) self.rundir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="ciceroscm-", dir=root_dir)"Creating new CICERO-SCM instance: %s", self.rundir) dir_util.copy_tree( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "utils_templates", "run_dir"), self.rundir, )
[docs] def cleanup_tempdirs(self): """ Remove tempdirs after run """"Removing CICERO-SCM instance: %s", self.rundir) shutil.rmtree(self.rundir)
def _make_dir_structure(self, scenario): """ Make directory structure for a scenario in which to put input and outputfiles for the run """ os.makedirs(self.rundir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.rundir, scenario), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.rundir, scenario, "inputfiles"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.rundir, scenario, "outputfiles"), exist_ok=True)