Source code for openscm_runner.adapters.ciceroscm_adapter.ciceroscm

import logging
import os.path
from subprocess import check_output  # nosec

from ..base import _Adapter
from ..utils.cicero_utils._run_ciceroscm_parallel import run_ciceroscm_parallel
from ._utils import _get_executable
from .ciceroscm_wrapper import CiceroSCMWrapper

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _execute_run(cfgs, output_variables, scenariodata):
    cscm = CiceroSCMWrapper(scenariodata)
        out = cscm.run_over_cfgs(cfgs, output_variables)
    return out

[docs]class CICEROSCM(_Adapter): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Adapter for CICEROSCM """ model_name = "CiceroSCM" def __init__(self): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation """ Initialise the CICEROSCM adapter """ super().__init__() def _init_model(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ pass def _run(self, scenarios, cfgs, output_variables, output_config): """ Run the model. This method is the internal implementation of the :meth:`run` interface cfgs is a list of indices to run """ if output_config is not None: raise NotImplementedError("`output_config` not implemented for CICERO-SCM") runs = run_ciceroscm_parallel(scenarios, cfgs, output_variables, _execute_run) return runs
[docs] @classmethod def get_version(cls): """ Get the CICEROSCM version being used by this adapter Returns ------- str The CICEROSCM version id Raises ------ OSError The CICERO-SCM binary cannot be run on the operating system """ executable = _get_executable( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "utils_templates", "run_dir") ) try: check_output(executable) # nosec except OSError as orig_exc: raise OSError( "CICERO-SCM is not available on your operating system" ) from orig_exc return "v2019vCH4"